Final Presentation: Women

Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Rosie the Riveter"

As I was researching, one article that I stumbled upon was particularly interesting to me. The image to the left represents a women dressed in men's clothing. This shows that women have the ability to take on jobs that men used had. This image was used by the U.S. government to encourage women to become involved in the workplace. I believe that this picture is capable of giving women more hope by showing them that they can work in fields that only men used to typically work in. "When war was declared, millions of men were drafted to fight, and women needed to step in for men in untraditional women's jobs, especially those in heavy industry." I believe that the only reason these jobs were offered to women was because it was necessary for these jobs to be occupied, and with the war going on, the only people available to complete these duties was the women. Although women typically worked inside their homes, some were waitresses, secretaries, and dishwashers. However, men mostly always took on jobs such as the production of cars, ships, and airplanes. As the years progressed, women were making up larger percentages of the labor force. During the times of war, women were heavily relied on and treated more equally. I believe that these jobs gave women a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Nevertheless, when victory was declared, the days of women working in traditionally male jobs came to an abrupt end. Women were laid off, and their jobs were given to the soldiers returning from the war. It appeared that women were a labor reserve that would be used only in times of crisis." This showed me that although during the times of war women felt as if they were truly gaining equality in the workforce, in reality they were only given these jobs because the men were at war. When the men returned home from the war, instead of realizing the abilities of the women and allowing them to continue to have these jobs, the men were given back their previous jobs. Overall, although the women gained equality for the time being, when the men were brought back home, this newfound equality disappeared.

"Rosie the Riveter." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Sex Discrimination

For many years, women were discriminated against because of their gender, even after they gained the right to vote by the Nineteenth Amendment. While reading this article, I found it very interesting that due to the Married Women's Independent Citizenship Act, women did not have the ability to have citizenship, without having a husband. This showed me that women were not looked upon as independent people, but rather as dependent people, who were to rely upon others. While the men were busy fighting in a war or trying to make ends meet during the Great Depression, the women would take over their husbands duties at home. Many women and men worked equal jobs, but ultimately, men were payed higher wages for their work. I believe that a huge change truly came for women in 1963, when the Equal Pay Act went into effect. Although this act still did not cause there to be complete equality for women, it was truly a new beginning for women. One group that I believe was very influential in the 1960s is the National Organization for Women (NOW). "NOW organized protest demonstrations and pickets of major organizations denigrating women. For instance, NOW was instrumental in making The New York Times stop printing a separate job section for women." This group had a very large impact on stopping gender discrimination. By protesting and participating in organizations, women were able to freely express their opinions and beliefs, as well as fight for their rights. In my opinion, NOW, as well as the fight for gender equality reminds me of the fight for racial equality. There were many organizations led by blacks, where they would protest and try to get laws passed to gain equality. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. led protests and marches and he tried to end racial discrimination. I believe that NOW tried to do the same thing, but instead of trying to end racial discrimination, they fought to end gender discrimination, by protesting and organizing demonstrations. Being a women myself, I feel very proud to know that my own gender worked as hard as they did and came together, in order to gain equality for themselves as well as the future generations of women.
"sex discrimination." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was a very strong leader, who led a variety of women's rights movements and helped women gain equal rights. She began her involvement in women's rights when she was denied the privilege of speaking at a Sons of Temperance meeting. I believe that by being denied this right, Anthony truly realized that if she did not join the fight, then women would still continue to be deprived of their rights. One part of this article that I found particularly interesting was the fact that some abolitionists believed that women should wait until black males had won their rights, before fighting for their own. In 1872, Anthony believed that nowhere in the Constitution did it prohibit women from voting. In response, Anthony went to the polls and voted. "She was arrested, tried, and ordered to pay a $100 fine. She refused to pay the fine, and amid a storm of controversy, officials quietly dropped the matter." I believe that this action taken by Anthony relates to Civil Disobedience. Civil Disobedience discusses the idea that people should fight for their rights and if necessary, they should go against the law. In this case, Anthony went against the law by not paying her fine. She continued to rebel against the authorities, in order to gain voting rights as a women, and in the end, she did not have to pay the fine. Throughout her entire life, Anthony worked for women's rights. Whether it was speaking in schools and churches or speaking at the women's suffrage convention, Anthony continued to inspire many women to stand up for their rights. By doing so, Anthony's actions also relate to Self-Reliance. Self-Reliance discusses the idea that people should be themselves and fight for their rights, rather than allowing others to influence their opinions. Anthony influenced many women to fight for their beliefs and express their own individuality as women. Even though women were not given the right to vote during Anthony's lifetime, fourteen years after her death the Nineteenth Amendment was passed. This truly shows me that by continuing to fight for a cause and by not giving up, people have the ability to accomplish their goals at some point, even if it does not happen during their own lifetime.

"Susan B. Anthony." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Background Information on Women

In America, woman were denied jobs, due to their gender. However, by continuing to protest, they were eventually able to gain equal rights in the workforce. During the preindustrial era, many women had the role of making clothing as well as food for their families. In the 1830s, women had the opportunity to work at shoe and textile factories. However, "The women were extremely exploited through low wages, poor conditions, and little time off." This shows that during these times, although women were now being given jobs, they were not given equal rights. Working men had much higher wages, better conditions, and more time off than the women who worked at these factories. In my opinion, the way that women were oppressed is terrible. I believe that back when women were oppressed, they had the ability to have the same jobs that men had, but instead, they were not allowed these opportunities. Although the women were being awarded more jobs, they still received a very small amount of money. However, in order to gain equal rights, women started organizations and movements. In the article it says, "More than 16% of women could be found in the workplace in 1880. By 1900, that figure had increased to 21%." This demonstrates that as time went on, women were being awarded more rights and were given a larger opportunity to work. Although women were given more opportunities to work, they were still confined to work in their homes, due to cultural values and beliefs. As time progressed, in the 1900s and 1910s, women began to work as telephone operators, and even department store clerks. I believe that this idea of women working as telephone operators as well as other jobs was very new for Americans in the 1900s. In previous years and centuries, women would never have been allowed to have had these kinds of jobs. I think that this shows a new beginning for not only women, but for America as whole during the beginning of the 20th century. By the 1920s, women were granted even more rights, where they drove cars and smoked. As the years continued on, women began to work more and more outside of their homes. I believe that this also shows a dramatic change in the role that women took on in American society. Also, I feel as though women helped shape our society today and that they positively contributed to the workforce. Without women in the workforce, technology may not have advanced as much as it has and overall, life as we know it would not be the same.
"women in the workplace." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010.

Initial Thoughts on Women

I am interested in this topic because of the strength that women portrayed, while fighting for their rights. For many years, women faced oppression and were given unequal rights. In today's society, women are very successful and many women are even the CEOs of a variety of companies. However, in the beginning and towards the middle of the 20th century, many women were not encouraged to join the work force and when they did work, they did not earn substantial wages. What I constantly wonder is why men believed that women were not smart enough or good enough to work with them, in order to earn an income to support their family. I believe that men thought that in America, they should be the ones in their families working, and the women should be the ones to stay home and take care of the children and the house. I feel very proud to know, that as a woman myself, others took the initive to stand up for their rights and the rights of other women as well.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Response to the State of the Union Address

I believe that President Obama's State of the Union Address truly showed that as Americans, we need to stand together and work together as one nation. He discussed the idea that throughout these hard times and struggles, people are able to remain hopeful because of their strength. I think that throughout the duration of his address, President Obama primarily focused on jobs, and how creating jobs was going to be his top priority of 2010. His goal is to pass a new jobs bill, and he hopes to create 1.5 million jobs by the end of the year. I also believe that creating jobs needs to be one of our top priorities this year. Although healthcare aid is very important, if people have substantial jobs, then they may no longer need healthcare aid. Also, in today's economy, many people are having trouble paying for their children's college education. However, by having a job and earning an income (and not just unemployment benefits), people may have the ability and finances to pay for their children's education. This process would not only benefit the children, but the economy as a whole as well. In today's society, in order to make a sufficient living, it is necessarily for young people to have a proper education, which ultimately means attending college. In order to make it possible for these families to afford this type of education, President Obama discussed the idea of having tax cuts on 95% of working, middle-class families. This tax cut will also allow families to save money, which can be used toward an education for their children. Another incentive relating to a college education that President Obama discussed was the idea that families should be given a $10,000 tax credit towards four years of college. Later on in his address, President Obama said that no one should go broke because they chose to go to college. I believe that this statement is very powerful because it is showing that he believes that it is very important for today's generation to receive a proper education, and that they should not be denied this opportunity because of financial difficulties.
Not only did President Obama address incentives relating to education, but he also addressed incentives relating to clean energy and businesses. He wants to create an energy bill, which would be filled with incentives. I believe that this idea will not only benefit the earth, but families as well. In order to help the environment, there needs to be more sources of clean energy and in order to create these sources, jobs need to be created. One incentive that I believe will be very beneficial is that clean energy families will receive a rebate. Hopefully, this incentive will not only help families during these tough economic times, but that it will also encourage people to become "greener" and more environmentally friendly. Another important incentive that President Obama discussed was a tax incentive for businesses. In my opinion, this incentive will hopefully encourage businesses to try to avoid laying off workers as much as possible. Even though the economy is beginning to show signs of improvement, banks are primarily giving loans to larger businesses. However, President Obama also wants to make sure that the smaller businesses are not being left behind. He believes that community banks should help smaller businesses (and not just larger businesses). I agree with this proposal because I feel as though it will be very beneficial in keeping the smaller businesses alive as well as helping to avoid as many layoffs as possible. Overall, I believe that President Obama's address was very promising, and I am hoping that he will be able to put his words into actions.


I love cupcakes! There are so many different types of cupcakes and there are a variety of designs that can be made on the cupcakes as well!