Final Presentation: Women

Friday, January 29, 2010

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was a very strong leader, who led a variety of women's rights movements and helped women gain equal rights. She began her involvement in women's rights when she was denied the privilege of speaking at a Sons of Temperance meeting. I believe that by being denied this right, Anthony truly realized that if she did not join the fight, then women would still continue to be deprived of their rights. One part of this article that I found particularly interesting was the fact that some abolitionists believed that women should wait until black males had won their rights, before fighting for their own. In 1872, Anthony believed that nowhere in the Constitution did it prohibit women from voting. In response, Anthony went to the polls and voted. "She was arrested, tried, and ordered to pay a $100 fine. She refused to pay the fine, and amid a storm of controversy, officials quietly dropped the matter." I believe that this action taken by Anthony relates to Civil Disobedience. Civil Disobedience discusses the idea that people should fight for their rights and if necessary, they should go against the law. In this case, Anthony went against the law by not paying her fine. She continued to rebel against the authorities, in order to gain voting rights as a women, and in the end, she did not have to pay the fine. Throughout her entire life, Anthony worked for women's rights. Whether it was speaking in schools and churches or speaking at the women's suffrage convention, Anthony continued to inspire many women to stand up for their rights. By doing so, Anthony's actions also relate to Self-Reliance. Self-Reliance discusses the idea that people should be themselves and fight for their rights, rather than allowing others to influence their opinions. Anthony influenced many women to fight for their beliefs and express their own individuality as women. Even though women were not given the right to vote during Anthony's lifetime, fourteen years after her death the Nineteenth Amendment was passed. This truly shows me that by continuing to fight for a cause and by not giving up, people have the ability to accomplish their goals at some point, even if it does not happen during their own lifetime.

"Susan B. Anthony." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010.


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