Final Presentation: Women

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Background Information on Women

In America, woman were denied jobs, due to their gender. However, by continuing to protest, they were eventually able to gain equal rights in the workforce. During the preindustrial era, many women had the role of making clothing as well as food for their families. In the 1830s, women had the opportunity to work at shoe and textile factories. However, "The women were extremely exploited through low wages, poor conditions, and little time off." This shows that during these times, although women were now being given jobs, they were not given equal rights. Working men had much higher wages, better conditions, and more time off than the women who worked at these factories. In my opinion, the way that women were oppressed is terrible. I believe that back when women were oppressed, they had the ability to have the same jobs that men had, but instead, they were not allowed these opportunities. Although the women were being awarded more jobs, they still received a very small amount of money. However, in order to gain equal rights, women started organizations and movements. In the article it says, "More than 16% of women could be found in the workplace in 1880. By 1900, that figure had increased to 21%." This demonstrates that as time went on, women were being awarded more rights and were given a larger opportunity to work. Although women were given more opportunities to work, they were still confined to work in their homes, due to cultural values and beliefs. As time progressed, in the 1900s and 1910s, women began to work as telephone operators, and even department store clerks. I believe that this idea of women working as telephone operators as well as other jobs was very new for Americans in the 1900s. In previous years and centuries, women would never have been allowed to have had these kinds of jobs. I think that this shows a new beginning for not only women, but for America as whole during the beginning of the 20th century. By the 1920s, women were granted even more rights, where they drove cars and smoked. As the years continued on, women began to work more and more outside of their homes. I believe that this also shows a dramatic change in the role that women took on in American society. Also, I feel as though women helped shape our society today and that they positively contributed to the workforce. Without women in the workforce, technology may not have advanced as much as it has and overall, life as we know it would not be the same.
"women in the workplace." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2010.


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