Final Presentation: Women

Monday, February 22, 2010

Gabriela's Blog: Gay and Lesbian Equalities

After reading and looking at this presentation, although I had already known some information about this topic, I definitely learned a lot of new information. This new information truly opened my eyes and showed me just how hard the homosexuals fought for equality. Although I already know a lot of information about Harvey Milk and the reasons behind why some people want gay marriage legalized and other do not, I was not familiar with a lot of information about the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that was put into place for gays in the military. I learned that this policy forbids homosexuals who are a part of the military to reveal their sexual orientation and the policy also forbids others from asking about their sexual orientation. Additionally, I learned that if their sexual orientation becomes known, then they are automatically relieved of their duties in the military. I believe that although homosexuals are now being allowed to serve in the military, they are still being discriminated against. The only way that they are able to continue their duties in the military is if they do not reveal that they are homosexuals. One statement that was written in the presentation about this policy was, "People believe that the policy "silently" discriminates against homosexual troops." This idea further showed me that although gays and lesbians were beginning to gain more equality, they still had a long road ahead of them. In addition, I believe that people should be allowed to serve in the military, regardless of their sexual orientation. In order for this to be achieved, I think that the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy should be revoked, and that homosexuals should have equal opportunities in the military. From this presentation, I was able to learn a lot of new and interesting information, and I now clearly understand the discrimination that homosexuals were faced with and how they joined forces in order to gain more equality.


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