Final Presentation: Women

Monday, February 8, 2010

Women Do Not Face Discrimination in the Workplace

In my previous journal entries, I primarily focused on how women are constantly faced with discrimination in their workplace. However, this article discusses the idea that women do not face discrimination in the workforce. After reading about a variety of different lawsuit cases, which included women suing their employers for discrimination, I began to assume that women truly do face discrimination in the workplace, even today. However, after reading this article, I realize that the reason why there may be more male CEOs rather than female CEOs is because of the choices females make. When women have children, a lot of times, they either work part time, or they leave the workforce completely. Being a CEO requires a lot of time and women who have children often times do not have the time to be one.
As I continued to read the article, there was one quote that particularly caught my interest. The article says, "Today women are well-represented in the professions; they continue to enter fields of study previously dominated by men; they are starting their own businesses in record numbers; and they are winning elective office throughout the country" (Furchtgott-Roth). After reading this article, I believe that women are now given equal opportunities in the workforce. As I read this, I thought back to some of my background information and I realized that if we were to look back many decades ago, women would not have been starting their own businesses, nor would they have been involved in politics. This truly showed me how much change has come and how much more equality women have gained over the years.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth. "Women Do Not Face Discrimination in the Workplace." At Issue: Does Equality Exist in America?. Ed. Stuart A. Kallen. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 6 Feb. 2010


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