Final Presentation: Women

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Women Are the Victims of Sexism

I believe that this article discussed many key issues that were also discussed in the last article that I read. Both articles talked about how even though women gained more equality, they still are currently faced with sex discrimination. This article talked a lot about how in the home, typical gender roles are still present. For example, for the holidays, little girls typically receive dolls, whereas little boys typically receive race cars. Although many women are involved in the workforce, when it comes to the home, the women are the ones who most of the time do the cooking and cleaning, and the men take care of the lawn work and other necessary repairs within the home. What I found most interesting about this article was that the author discussed the idea that women tend to go by the traditional gender roles. One point that the author made was that fathers coach their daughter's sports teams, whereas mothers typically do not. This idea showed me that not only are little girls being encouraged to participate in sports, but that men are truly accepting the idea of female athletes. I do believe that a lot of the sex discrimination does have to do with how the men treat the women, but I also believe that "It's women, more than men, who perpetuate traditional gender roles." Throughout the years, although more women do work outside of their homes, they are still not awarded equal pay. Also, there are still many jobs that are held by mostly men or women. "It's still much more likely that your senator, doctor, lawyer, and boss are male. And odds are your preschool teacher, housekeeper, nurse, and receptionist are female." Although women are involved in the workforce, they need to keep fighting for their rights. The author, Andrea Poe, believes that there is still so much more to be done and that women need to continue to try to gain these equalities. I believe that there is still so much more to be done and that women should not settle just yet. Women deserve equal pay and I think that there is no reason why more women should not be senators or lawyers. Overall, I feel as though if women keep on fighting, then eventually, they will hopefully be given full equality at home, in sports, in the military, and in the workforce.
"Women Are the Victims of Sexism." Opposing Viewpoints: Feminism. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 6 Feb. 2010


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